I think Houndour is a cross-breed of Poochyena and Growlithe

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Wednesday, September 25, 2024
i like the shinxs thing(and i like shinx a whole lot more than electrike) but what about.....(i'm thinking).......this is kinda off topic but not really. have you noticed how kabuto scyther and scizor look alike? im thinking kabuto is ancent scyther(the past),scyther is the present,and scizoris the future??

and i was reading on bulbapedia about the three beasts. one theory is that the pokemon ho-oh ressurected in the brass tower were orriginally a flareeon,jolteon,and vaporeon(entei,raiku,and suicune respectively). this could be like the cross breed for the beasts were the eveelutins and zombie power.lol or the evelutions and ho-oh which could make sense. ho-oh used his power to resurect them so they were cross-bred sorta. and entei's pokedex entree says a new one is born when a volcano errupts,so ho-oh helped create three species. ho-oh would be the second part of the cross breed(the eveelutions are the first)

How about nidoking being a combination of rhydon and muk
